Local ByLaws

Association Bylaws

Local rules are to read in conjunction with the Official Softball Playing Rules

1.1. Clubs must register their financial players with the Association Registrar. Clubs who play an unregistered player in any game may forfeit the premiership points for that game.
1.2. Transfers must be carried out through the Association Registrar.
2.1. Any team which has fewer than eight registered players available to play at any stage of a game shall forfeit the game. In such circumstances the game shall be awarded to the opposing side with a score of 7-0, provided that the opposing side has at least eight registered players available to play and fills out its score card for the umpire to sign.
3.1. A player must play at least five games with his club in the current season to be eligible to play in the finals for his club.
3.2. Any team being unable to field eight qualified players in a final round will be replaced by the next team in the finishing order and the offending team relegated to last position on the ladder.
4.1. All players shall be in full uniform no later than the third round of the season. A player not in full uniform will not be permitted to play after the cut-off date.
4.2. Full uniform includes shoes, socks, pants, shirt and cap.
4.3. Shoes must be constructed with a one piece moulded sole. Metal cleats or screw-in studs are not permitted.
4.4. All batters and base runners must wear helmets.
5.1. The Association promotes keenness, sportsmanship and respect for other players welfare. Consequently, disparaging remarks, undue rough play, abusive language or any form of unsportsmanlike behaviour will not be tolerated.
5.2. The plate umpire has the authority to remove offending players and officials from the game and the ground, with or without prior warning.
5.3. At the conclusion of any game in which unsportsmanlike behaviour occurs, the umpire shall make a written report to the Association. The Association may deal with the matter as it sees fit.
6.1. Regular season games shall be played until two hours has passed or seven innings are completed whichever occurs first.
6.2. The normal starting time for regular season games is 2.00pm.
6.3. If seven innings have not been completed at the end of two hours and the team batting second is behind, the score reverts back to the last completed innings.
6.4. The bottom half of the innings must be completed provided it starts before the last 10 minutes of the 4.00pm cut-off time.
6.5. Finals games will be played until seven innings are completed. If scores are tied at the end of seven innings, the match will be decided by extra innings which will be played in accordance with Rule 5 Section 5 Tie Breaker.
Starting with the top of the eighth innings, and in each half innings thereafter, the offensive team shall begin its turn at bat with the player who is scheduled to bat ninth in the respective half inning being placed on second base. The player who is running can be substituted in accordance with the Substitution Rules.
7. REGULATION GAME (Rule 5, Section 3)
7.1. A regulation game shall consist of seven completed innings or 2 hours whichever comes first.
7.2. A full seven innings need not be played if the team batting last has scored more runs in six innings or before the third out in the last half of the seventh innings.
7.3. The plate umpire is empowered to call a game at any time due to darkness, rain, fire, lightning, or any other cause that places players, umpires or supporters in peril.
8.1. A game called by the plate umpire shall be regulation if three (3) completed innings have been played.
8.2. A tie will be declared if:
a) the game is tied at the end of seven completed innings
b) 2 hours has been reached and both sides are tied after completing even innings
8.3. A new innings will not commence within 10min of the 2 hour period.
8.4. A new innings commences as soon as the 3rd out is made of the previous completed innings and once commenced must be played out unless otherwise decided by the plate umpire.
9. STARTING PLAYERS (Rule 4, Section 4)
9.1. A list of starting players will be given to the plate umpire prior to the commencement of each game.
9.2. These players must present and in uniform prior to the commencement of the game.
9.3. Should a substitute who is not present be listed on the line-up card, that person’s name shall be deleted without penalty.
10. RE-ENTRY (Rule 4, Section 7)
10.1. Any of the starting players may be substituted and re-enter once, providing they occupy the same batting position whenever they are in the line-up.
The substitute(s) cannot be in the line-up at the same time.
11. FORFEIT (Rule 5, Section 4)
11.1. A forfeit is a 7-0 result in favour of the team not at fault.
11.2. The plate umpire may declare a forfeit in favour of the team not at fault in the following cases:
a) If a team deploys tactics designed to delay or hasten the game.
b) Because of the removal or ejection of players from the game by the umpire or for any other cause, there are less than 8 players. (8 players is a local rule within the WMSA).
The rules above are a guide for the use of all umpires, players, scorers and supporters associated with the WMSA. However if a team considers it may be violating one of these rules it is possible for the coach to discuss their situation with the opposition coach and Umpires to come to a satisfactory arrangement to allow the game to continue.
12.1. INJURED PLAYERS: A player who, in the opinion of the umpire, is genuinely injured shall be entitled to a courtesy runner once he has safely reached first base.
12.2. PROTESTS: As per Section 24 of the Association By-Laws.
12.3. UMPIRING DECISIONS: As per Official rules of Softball (Fast Pitch).
12.4. CONTROL OF CHILDREN: Children must be kept well clear of the playing areas while games are in progress.
13.1. The team named first in the fixture is the HOME TEAM.
13.2. The Fixture also nominates a DUTY TEAM for each round.
13.3. The HOME TEAM
• fields first
• occupies the First Base bench
• collects the gear bag, sets up the back net, pitching mat and bases
• returns all the gear to the storage area at the completion of the game
• uses the diamond for the pre-match warm up from 1.50pm – 1.55pm
13.4. The AWAY TEAM
• bats first
• occupies the Third Base bench
• uses the diamond for the pre-match warm up from 1.45pm – 1.50pm
13.5. The DUTY TEAM
• supplies a plate umpire and a base umpire for each of the four games being played, i.e. eight Umpires in total
• each umpire must be in attendance at least 20 minutes prior to commencement of play
• the umpiring team may forfeit one premiership point for each missing umpire
• supplies at least three adults for bar/kitchen duties between 2.00pm and 6.00pm on match days
• collects the drinks and foodstuffs from the Burrendah Tavern and the IGA store (opposite the ground) and delivers these to the ground by 1.00pm on match days
• at the end of the day, all unsold stock should be counted and the cash and stock reconciliation sheets completed in full
• unsold stock and canteen equipment must be stored in the association’s locker at the rear of the hall
• takes charge of the monies collected and personally hands all funds to the Association Treasurer, Mr Rod Richardson, 20 Timbrell Way Leeming, by 7.00pm.
• keys to the hall can be picked up and returned to Neville Jiggins, 4 Aderyn Court Willetton
14.1. Score cards must be printed, showing surname followed by first name (no initials) and must be presented to the plate umpire prior to the commencement of play.
14.2. Plate umpires must sign score cards at the end of each game and lodge them with the registrar immediately after the completion of the game.
14.3. T-Ball type scoring is acceptable; that is, only the recording of outs and runs across the plate is necessary.
15.1. Players and spectators are responsible for keeping the playing areas and their surrounds free of litter.
16.1. The Association’s public liability insurance does not cover player injury or damage to vehicles. If you park in close proximity to a softball diamond, it is at your own risk.
17.1. For all finals games, the team finishing highest on the ladder is afforded Home Team status e.g. if 3rd is playing 4th in the Semi Final then 3rd is deemed the home team. Thereafter the highest placed winner becomes the home team right through to the Grand Final i.e. the higher placed team is given the advantage rather than tossing a coin.